Advertising Sales

Need help finding advertisers for your publication, website or conference program? We know how to make your advertising program produce real results. First, we listen to your needs and learn about your specific industry. Then, we get to work to accomplish your mission of boosting revenue.

Our team is adept at selling print, digital and sponsorship advertising programs in journals, magazines, member publications, conference programs, newsletters and more.

Multi-Channel Media Sales

  • Commission-based Sales Representation
  • Database Management
  • Invoicing and Collections
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Sales Administration Support
  • Consultation and Training

Product & Rate Consultation

What is the best price to charge per advertisement? What are best practices for digital advertising? We’ll help you navigate today’s advertising landscape and put a realistic plan in place.

Readership Surveys

What do you know about your print or digital readership? We’ll help fill in the blanks with a demographic survey so potential advertisers have a complete profile of your audience.

Media Kit Development

We’ll help tell your story, showcase your strengths and tell advertisers what’s unique and compelling about your publication, website or meeting.  Effective positioning of your circulation and readership data will round out your value proposition.

Quality Control

Allen Press is a one-stop shop. What’s that mean to you? Constant quality control by our integrated team of sales and production staff who take care to make sure your ads are reproduced accurately and positioned the way you and your advertisers expect.

Ready to get started? Let us know how we can help.